A Visit to the Skycastle Pack

by Bob Cohen

Photos by Bob Cohen


e had two days of hunt tests in connection with our
national specialty in Pennsylvania, but few if any of
us do any hunting with our dogs outside of these

hunt tests, and few if any of us regularly hunt with our 
dogs in packs of more than two or three. With one major 
exception: Jim Scharnberg, whose Skycastle French Hounds
go hunting on a regular basis year round.

The day before the club’s hunt tests, a couple dozen club

members were treated to a visit with Jim’s Skycastle Hounds.
Jim took over the Skycastle pack in 1987. It had been started
as a basset pack by John and Elizabeth Streeter in 1948. In
the 70s, Mrs. Streeter imported PBGVs to cross with the 
bassets, but today the Skycastle pack consists of purebred

Those of us who attended the Hunt Institute in Virginia

in 2004 saw a sample of dogs from the Skycastle pack, 
but on this occasion we were able to see them on their
home grounds. 

The pack is housed in kennels in an old barn, adapted for

use by dogs. The grounds are quite hilly and as Jim works
with the dogs just about every day, it is no wonder he is 
in great shape. Jim brought out two groups of dogs. We
climbed the hill with him as he and members of his group
brought the first dogs up the hill, then we gratefully waited
in place while he took those dogs back down to the kennels
and brought others up the hill.

Even well-trained and experienced PBGVs are not neces-

sarily dependable when running free, so along with the Pack
Master (Jim), there are several “whippers-in” who help keep
the pack together. The Skycastle organization includes many
people who have learned the ways of hunting with our
fuzzy-faced hounds and enjoy getting out with them in 
an open field to see what the hounds’ noses can find.

It was interesting to see how a well-practiced group of

people and PBGVs operate. It’s very different than the 
manner in which even the most accomplished can do 
with solos and small packs, and well worth seeing. 




Summer 2014   

Saber Tails