Fall 2018  Saber Tails 67    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

“Tails” from the Clown Hound Files

Featuring: The Stone House Hounds

As told by Beverly Childs

ZZTuX (HiCotton Sharp Dressed Man BN RN PCJH RATN CGCA CGCU) was al-

ways the funny clown of the Stone House Hounds. Laid back, verbal and very 

stubborn, he was also very astute.

When Rowdy (GCHS HiCotton Can’t Stop Rockin’) arrived at the Stone House at 

nine weeks old, ZZTuX disgustedly let it be known that the young puppies were 

interrupting his household. And yes, it was ZZTuX’s household. Flirt (HiCotton 

She’s A Heart Breaker CGCA CGCU) had joined us about eight months prior and 

now there was another puppy to potty train…and I give ZZTuX full credit for 

helping potty train the young ones. He would poke them with his nose and bark 

when they started to potty in the house and stop them. Then Tony or I would 

run open the door and let them out. ZZTuX kept a sharp eye on the little ones 

and made sure he told on them when they were doing something they shouldn’t be doing. He was the “Sheriff” of the 

Stone House Hounds and let the pups knew it! 

When Willett (Crepu Visage Aged To Perfection At StoneHouse CGC CGCA CGCU TKN) was added to the pack this year, 

ZZTuX had gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Tony and I failed the potty training test for many months. Yes we let Willet out 

but sometimes we missed her “clues” and when we did, well, you know what happened. We missed ZZTuX and his ability 

to show a new puppy the ropes. Flirt and Rowdy were not up to the job of training the new puppy. As the months went 

on, I knew our sweet TuX was looking down from the Rainbow Bridge shaking his head and saying “you have to nose 

them and bark, nose them and bark!”

ZZTuX was always full of antics. We would crate Rowdy during the day when he was 

young and we were out of the house. The hounds always got a treat as we left.  When 

I came home for lunch I would let the pack out, and before I left give them another 

treat, and put Rowdy back in the crate. Imagine my surprise when I came home for 

lunch many times and Rowdy was out of his crate. I was telling the world how SMART 

my puppy Rowdy was - he had figured out at two months old how to get out of the 

crate. Tony would say I wasn’t latching the crate but I was sure I had. 

Little did I realize ZZTuX was the SMART one! Then came the day when I came home, 

let them out and put Rowdy back in his crate with his treat and started out the door. 

Remembered I needed to grab something from the office and as I was coming back 

in the sunroom there was ZZTuX with his paw and nose sliding the latch on the crate 

open. As I quietly stood and watched, he let Rowdy out of the crate and went in 

and ate the treats. You see Rowdy has never been a fast eater and ZZTuX decided if 

Rowdy didn’t want the treats he did and figured out a way to get them!