Fall 2018  Saber Tails 65    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America


ince the FGF4 insertion into chromosome 12 increasing the risk of IVDD was found in all Dachshunds and Beagles, 

there is nothing that those breeds can do to reduce the prevalence of that mutation. For breeds like the Basset 

Hound that have dogs with and without the mutation, there is the opportunity to test for the mutation, identify dogs 

that are clear of the mutation, and implement breeding strategies to reduce the risk. 


or more information, see the following web page: https://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/services/dog/CDDY.php

A video of Dr. Bannasch’s seminar is posted on the web at this site: https://youtu.be/CRH1v_Fufw0


Brown et al. 2017. FGF4 retrogene on CFA12 is responsible for chondrodystrophy and intervertebral disc disease in dogs. 

PNAS 114 (43) 11476-11481.

Parker et al. 2009. An expressed fgf4 retrogene is associated with breed-defining chondrodysplasia in domestic dogs. 

Science 325 (5943):995-998

12-18 months, and intermediate, 18 months-and up. French dogs 

must be confirmed after twelve months as a true representative 

of the breed. This confirmation happens in the exam ring. Three 

designations are given: good, to postpone, or not good. This des-

ignation is sent into LOF or Centrale Canine equivalent to AKC and 

a new pedigree is issued with this remark.

Puppy class is designated as under 12 months, male and female. 

Sadly, there was only one pup entered. The youngsters are not 

given much credit until they are over a year old; pups and young 

dogs don’t win big at French dog shows. Instead, the focus is on 

open class and working dogs. A large proportion of the class en-

tries were hunting dogs. This, however, may be different at a mixed 

breed show.

In France, before each dog goes into the ring, they are checked for 

a microchip and measured by the judge 

for their records. Each dog receives a ver-

bal and written critique, keeping the ring 

steward busy with notes. The judge scrawls in his notebook, qualifying your dog as excel-

lenttres bon (very good), bon (good), or suffisant (ok). You can also receive disqualified 

or cannot be judged. Puppy class has the added ratings of tres promettur (very promising), 

promising, or may be promising. The judge’s critique is an educational experience that offers 

a host of details you would never receive from an American judge.

Each dog leaves the ring with a copy of judges critique and personalized remarks like excel-

lent head, excellent subject, needs to develop more chest with aging, or too much hair in 

Cont’d from p 46